Susan Jones – Choir Director,
Worship Chairperson and site manager

In 2020, I attended a Christian writing seminar (Sue C. Smith’s Write About Jesus) and was sharing one of my choral pieces. I commented that it was difficult to get a choral demo as my choir consisted of eight members, mainly melody of one range or other with one or two altos and a tenor. That’s not a put down! We have great singers and they bring a lot of joy to me personally, and to our church services. But it’s hard to get a professional sounding choral demo with eight people. The clinician responded, “You just described about half the churches in the country.”

That comment provided the inspiration to launch I have been attending Washington Lands United Methodist Church of Moundsville, WV my whole life. In that time we have had a congregation of 25-75, a drama team of 3-10, and a choir of 5-25. We are a small country church, but that has not stopped us from having rich, creative ministries that have been fulfilling to the membership and surely pleasing to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

So, for “half the churches in the country” like us, here are some resources that we have used that work. Please check back, as I will be adding more resources throughout the year. –Susan Jones